Monday, February 13, 2012

The Shortest Route To Success

An influential leader motivates, not manipulates, people.

That's a tough task to take on, but one that can be accomplished with the right tools. For a Christian executive, there is one tool that should take priority over workshops, conferences, and retreats.

Joshua, be strong and brave. Be sure to obey all the teachings my servant Moses gave you. If you follow them exactly, you will be successful in everything you do. Always remember what is written in the book of teachings. Study it day and night to be sure to obey everything that is written there. If you do this, you will be wise and successful in everything. Remember that I commanded you to be strong and brave, Don't be afraid, because the Lord your God will be with you everywhere you go.
~Joshua 1:7-9

The formula described in Joshua is foolproof. If you want to be successful, study the word of God-specifically his laws found in the Torah or first five books of the Bible. Don't just read it, study it. Contemplate the purpose for each law and then make sure to obey those laws. From that comes wisdom, which I believe, is the key to becoming a great leader in the eyes of the Lord. Without wisdom, you can lead and influence, but will it be long lasting? Will it change the lives of your employees or just make yes-men out of them?

Study, obey, acquire wisdom and be successful. But then, God commands that great leaders like Joshua follow through on one more important aspect of leadership. Being fearless. Be strong and brave and never forget that whatever you encounter, God is with you.

There is no shorter, more effective route to leadership success than God's way.

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