Friday, February 17, 2012

"Cause You Were Called, Dummy"

Occasionally, I like to give other leaders the chance to sound off on the difficulties, joys and rewards of leadership including the good, the bad, the in between. Today's guest nails the concept of leadership on the nose, not only as it applies to church leadership, but to the life of influence as a whole.

There are some days we feel like we can change a nation like William Wilberforce, and there are other days when we are courageous enough to take a bullet like Martin Luther King, Jr. There are days of clarity and a resounding affirmation of vocation. You know why you do it in the bottom of your gut. In the words of Will Campbell, “‘Cause you were called, dummy!”

Then there are the days when ministering to people on the margins–doing church differently–that can get to us. Being on the margins means suffering through the in-between times: The time between sermons, meetings, group ministry, and joyous youth events. Them are some lonely times.

Jesus tells a parable of a shepherd who leaves the comfort, conformity, and safety of 99 sheep in order to search for that one sheep on the margins. Never mind that it is easier to just let that sheep meet its fate out in the desert; the sheep probably deserved it anyway.

No, Jesus’ shepherd leaves home to find that one sheep.

So, for those facing hardships and find yourselves on the margins, on that journey road in between safety and conformity and that place on the horizon (“Cause you were called, dummy!”), this is for you: You are not alone.

Visit Baptist Spirituality to read the article in its entirety.

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