Sunday, February 19, 2012

Somebody's Got To Set The Standard...Will It Be You?

Who is holding you accountable? Chances are, no one is, and here's the reason.

Our society is one of tolerance. Whatever you believe to be right, is right. You don't have to worry about someone else infringing on what you think or do, as long as you do not go against the laws of the land. It has to do with tolerance, religious freedoms and unspoken moral codes. But here is where it gets sticky.

Personal morality is just that-personal-and not something society will try to mandate. With that said, is wrong only wrong if you get caught? Is it OK to take office supplies home for personal use as long as no one catches you? What about the interoffice dating rule. Is it an offense only if you get caught at Applebee's holding the hand of your secretary?

When God laid out rules for living to Moses, he specifically said:
You must not do wrong just because everyone else is doing it....You must not tell lies just because everyone else does. Genesis 23:2

If you are a Christian, there are no excuses. Your coworkers might be OK with you bending or even breaking the rules. You might even get away with doing it and no one else knowing. But God clearly points out that you know better. You can't use the old "everyone else is doing it" argument with him.

Besides, what a lousy leader you would make if you lowered your standards to those of society's, don't you think?

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